Emerald Akashic Records Review

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Emerald Akashic Records Review

Discover NEW TECHNOLOGIES & MODALITIES - never applied before - in BEING a Purpose Driven Millionaire.

When you access the Akashic Records you are seeking the Highest Truth about who you really are. This energetic information is located in the higher dimensions and is a vast compendium of knowledge that houses all thoughts, actions, events, and past, present and future potential lives.

The Akashic Records, also referred to as the Book of Life, are a sacred resource that are now available to ALL. Your records can help you attain crystal-clear clarity on your Highest Mission in this lifetime.

What’s even more exciting is that you can enter into a specific sector of the Akashic Records to access the EMERALD AKASHIC RECORDS.

Here you enter into a special section as the Ascended Master that you are. We connect with Thoth, the Ancient Egyptian God, who is the Keeper of The Records, Scribe of The Akashic Records and Scribe of The Emerald Tablets. You take your seat as an Ascended CEO of your business and collaborate with other Ascended CEOs (Ascended Masters) in the Emerald Akashic Records.

The EMERALD AKASHIC RECORDS are a dimension of higher frequencies that are open to you if you are looking to…

…usher in new technologies and modalites into your business and life that have not existed thus far.

…connect your heart to consciously co-create paradigm shifts that uplevels the frequency and consciousness of the planet.

…transmute scarcity and lack consciousness - once and for all - for yourself and for your highest level clients.

…offer courses, programs, services, and products that help you and your highest level clients create transformational change.

…discover your unique gifts, talents, skill sets, and ascended masteries.

…powerfully ascend your relationship with time and money.

…activate your light body, fully embody your true self as a leader, and become a light to the world.


  • 60 minute session by Zoom with me where we connect with Thoth, the Record Keepers and other Light Beings.


  • A 24 hour energy vortex dedicated to you and for you in the higher planes to transmute all lower energies across all dimensions, time and space back into wholeness.


  • Within 72 hours of our call, a report detailing our Emerald Akashic Reading session and specific “unique-to-you” information that pertains to your Highest Mission in your life and business.

Total due $1,111

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